Acute care

112 (emergency care) 

If you are in a life-threatening situation (e.g., overdose, heart problems, passing out, panic attacks, or psychosis)? Or are you witness to or victim of a crime such as a burglary or violence, call 112 for assistance from the police, ambulance or fire department.

If you suffer from a hearing disability, install the interpreter contact app.

113 (suicidal thoughts)

If you are having suicidal thoughts and want to talk about them, or if you are concerned about someone else, call 113 anonymously and for free. The hotline is available 24/7, including by chat.

Centre Against Sexual Abuse: 0800-0188

Are you a victim of sexual abuse, violence or rape? The Centre Against Sexual Abuse offers professional help after unwanted sexual experiences. Available anonymously and for free 24/7 at 0800-0188 at Or contact the hotline via chat.

Monday through Friday from 16:00–06:00 and on weekends from 20:00–06:00.

Unprotected sex (PEP)

If you have had unprotected sex with an increased risk of HIV, make an appointment at a public health service (GGD) near you (see the overview here) or visit a hospital. For more information on PEP, click here. 

Slam (injection) incidents

For serious slamming complications, such as abscesses, bacterial wounds, blood poisoning or severe skin problems, visit the emergency room at a hospital near you. Be open about your use of substances.


Mental complaints

For mental complaints such as paranoia, panic and anxiety attacks, suspicion or psychosis, call one of the following hotlines:

  • The Red Cross 06-28520983. Send your (voice) message to the number and a Red Cross volunteer will get in touch with you (Mon-Fri 9.00 – 17.00).
  • MIND Korrelatie (0900) 1450 (Mon-Fri 9.00 – 18.00). 


If you have quit drugs but are thinking of using again, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) has a helpline available 24/7. Click here to find the number in your area. 

All of these emergency services have a duty of confidentiality. Your drug use will not be shared with third parties.