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Are you a healthcare provider and would you like to be listed on the care finder map?
Christa Betz
Sexologist, first-line practice, also working at GGZ Eindhoven
IMWBreda – Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk
We offer free help to sex workers and victims of human trafficking in Breda & surroundings, regardless of gender or orientation.
Praktijk Christel Grieten
Individual psychological help, also with the option of partner and relationship talks.
Praktijk voor Seksuologische Therapie
ITMYS / intomeyousee
Psychosocial care for sex addiction, chemsex, attachment and intimacy issues
Lichaamsbewust massagetherapie
Holistic body-conscious massage therapist who helps men reconnect with their bodies and feelings.
Nomadic IBP
Coaching and training – international
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (UMCU)
University Medical Centre Utrecht provides counselling and referrals for health problems caused by chemsex.
GGD Gelderland Zuid
GGD Gelderland Zuid for STI consultations and referrals.
De Kracht van Verandering
Life coach, supports people who have help questions about gender-related problems and/or depressive symptoms, among others.
Mainline is not liable for the quality of care provided. All healthcare providers listed on the care finder map have indicated they are knowledgeable about chemsex and treat clients without judgement.