ChemMEN offers assistance to MSM (*men who have sex with men) who engage in chemsex. You can contact ChemMEN for free no-obligation info, counselling and user materials.
Specific help for: LHBTI+

* individual counselling regarding chemsex
* group counselling (1x month)
* short questions/counselling regarding chems (and sex)
* free use material


You can drop by every Wednesday between 5.30pm and 7.30pm without an appointment, or contact us at:
+32 (0) 485 41 85 53 (Jasper)
+32 (0) 485 41 89 90 (Nick)

+32 (0) 485 41 85 53 (Jasper), +32 (0) 485 41 89 90 (Nick)

Houwerstraat 7, 2060 Antwerpen

Jasper Janssens & Nick Van Damme