Expertisecentrum Seksuologie

Expertisecentrum Seksuologie offers care for all (help) questions related to sexuality. Within the centre, doctors, sexologists, psychologists and systemic therapists work together. We offer care based on the bio-psychosocial model.
Specific help for: LHBTI+, Hetero, Sex work, Friends / family

Expertisecentrum Seksuologie offers care for all (help) questions related to sexuality. Within the centre, doctors, sexologists, psychologists and systemic therapists work together. We offer care based on
the bio-psychosocial model.

There is also room for the treatment of physical and psychological problems related to the sexual problems and issues, such as, for example, the psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma problems and personality problems.

Within the expertisecentrum Seksuologie, there is knowledge and experience regarding sexualised drug use and chemsex. We participate in scientific research and are part of a care network in the north of the Netherlands where in the north of the Netherlands in which the GGD and a CSG (Centre for Sexual Violence) are involved, among others. There are also short lines with addiction care in the north of the Netherlands, should there also be an indication for an addiction treatment.

Appointments can take place both face-to-face and online. Feel free to contact us via for questions about the centre and/or your situation.


– Diagnostics and treatment of sexual problems (sexual dysfunctions, (sexual)
identity problems, hypersexuality/sex addiction, special sexual preferences)
– Diagnostics and treatment of psychological problems related to sexuality (depressive complaints, anxiety symptoms, trauma issues, personality problems). Options include.EMDR, interpersonal psychotherapy, schema therapy and MBT. A psychotherapeuticgroup treatment is under development.
– Partner-relationship therapy, family therapy (including EFT, schematherapy and partner relationship, ABFT)- Diagnosis and treatment of physical problems related to sexuality.
– Treatment from both generalist and specialist mental health services.


Radesingel 6, 9711 EJ Groningen

Meine Bosma-Bleeker / Ria Bosgraaf