
Mainline's mission is to promote the health and improve the legal status of people who use drugs. Supports and coaches both users seeking to self-control, reduce or stop using and former users during their recovery.
Specific help for: LHBTI+, Hetero, Sex work, Friends / family
  • Syringe exchange and drug testing service: walk-in every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm. Or make an appointment via or 06 – 111 633 41.
  • Supports and coaches both users looking to self-control, reduce or stop using and former users during their recovery. For info or an appointment: or 06 – 111 633 41.
  • Weekly meetings for men who want to quit or have quit chemsex. Meetings in Dutch are held every first and third Wednesday of the month (19:30 – 21:00). English meetings are every second and fourth Wednesday of the month (19:30 – 21:00). Location: Mainline Amsterdam office. Sign up or more info: or 06 – 111 633 41.
  • Advice and support for loved ones, friends and family of (former) users. For info or appointment: or 06 – 111 633 41.

Monday – Friday, 10:00 – 17:00

Frederik Hendrikstraat 111, 1052 HN Amsterdam

Leon Knoops