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Are you a healthcare provider and would you like to be listed on the care finder map?
GGD Drenthe
Sexual Health Team for questions around sexuality, STIs and PrEP care. We offer a listening ear and help with referrals if there is a need.
Roze in blauw
Roze in Blauw is the national network of the police. Lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and intersex persons (LGBT+) who face discrimination, threats, abuse or other criminal cases related to their sexual orientation or gender identity can report there.
Mainline provides information, advice and support to both users looking to self-control, reduce or stop using and to former users during their recovery.
Choices Center
Choices provides information, advice and offers psychological support regarding chemsex issues. Choices consists of a team of professionals with expertise in addiction care and sexual health. Among other things, Choices also offers a helpline for people with a migrant background.
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a group of people for whom crystal meth, has become a serious problem. They share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they can solve their common problem and help other addicts stay clean from using crystal meth.
Jellinek Verslavingszorg
Jellinek is expert in addiction treatment and prevention and has expertise on chemsex.
Narcotics Anonymous
NA is a non-commercial community of people for whom drugs had become a serious problem. We are recovering addicts who help each other stay clean by meeting regularly.
Amsterdam UMC
Counselling and referral for health problems due to chemsex.
DC Klinieken
DC Clinics works from its own vision of HIV care that translates into personalised and attentive treatment.
GGD Amsterdam
GGD Amsterdam offers comprehensive info and advice around (problematic) drug use.
Mainline is not liable for the quality of care provided. All healthcare providers listed on the care finder map have indicated they are knowledgeable about chemsex and treat clients without judgement.