
Combined use

When chems are used during sex, various drugs are often combined. These can be uppers, downers and trippers. A second or third drug often offsets the negative side effects of one drug. It is difficult to get or maintain an erection while under the influence of uppers. To counter that, many men also use erectile stimulants such as Viagra, Kamagra or sometimes Androskat. Click here for tips on how to prevent permanent damage.

A common problem when using chems is being unable to get, let alone maintain, an erection under the influence of uppers. For this reason, chems are often used in combination with erectile dysfunction medication—primarily by men. Be aware that such combinations put extra strain on the heart. When also combined with poppers, this can result in life-threatening situations. Avoiding this combination is especially important if you already have heart problems.  

When combining drugs, sex is experienced as better and more intense and often lasts longer, and sexual preferences and techniques such as group sex, BDSM or fisting become easier to perform.  

Combining drugs may not always be a conscious decision; one simply uses what is available or offered. A combination of drugs can cause entirely new and undesired effects.

When using a drug for the first time, it is best to avoid combining it with other chems. 

Combining uppers increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and overheating while stimulating paranoia, psychosis and aggression. 

Designer drugs are relatively unknown, so combining those can also produce unexpected effects. 

Tell other people what you are using so that if something goes wrong, they know what combination you have taken. 

Combining downers increases the risk of coma and respiratory arrest.

Some HIV and hepatitis C medications can enhance the effects of Tina, ecstasy, MDMA and ketamine. 

Click here for more info on HIV medication and drug use.

Combining often goes wrong with the addition of GHB/GBL. How do you reduce the chances of overdosing and passing out? Click here for tips on using GHB/GBL.